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Sharing information and experience on independent travel, for the love of it

We’ve been to many places. Some we keep going back to. The joy of slow journeys and repeat visits is that you have time to go beyond the obvious. To peel back the layers and enjoy the contrast of being in a foreign land.

All journeys have perfect days or special locations. Multiple trips to countries, regions and cities expose interesting and beautiful things that aren’t seen or understood at first blush. These are our highlights.

The world is amazing. There are so many places to go, so many things to do. How to choose? In planning trips over the years, our abiding interests have had more and more influence on our travel choices.

We’ve taken many trips over the years. For us, travelling is about stepping out of the norm to experience difference. Trip blogs provide information about where we’ve gone, what we’ve done, and how we’ve travelled.

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Favourite Places

Ancient sites and great museums. Water, rock, light. Dedication to food and hospitality. We adore Greece.

Standing Out

Even the best planned journeys have highlights. We spent an amazing day exploring Nikko’s shrines and temples.

Abiding Interests

Reading about the so called ‘Dark Ages’ got us interested in Byzantium. So we sought it out in Italy, Turkey, and Greece.

Recent Trips

Based around a work meeting in Geneva, we took a 12 day trip to Switzerland in winter, riding trains and seeking peaks.

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Faces of Greece
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