
the things that have influenced our travel choices

The world is amazing. There are so many places to go, so many things to do. The more you read and research, and open your mind to new experiences, the more possibilities arise. Over time however, we’ve found that for various reasons we’re just more interested in some things than others. Tuning in to these abiding interests and letting them influence on our travel choices has been very rewarding.


Reading about the so called ‘Dark Ages’ got us interested in Byzantium. A lot must have happened between the fall of Rome and start of the Rennaissance. So we sought it out in Italy, Turkey, and Greece.

The Moors

The Moors were Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb (Northwest Africa) and the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) during the Middle Ages. We became fascinated by their architecture, art, and use of water.


Visiting big museums and galleries can be overwhelming. We found ourselves more attracted to some artists than others and began to seek out their works and their haunts in smaller, more intimate settings.


In planning our travels over time we’ve found ourselves attracted to island destinations. Islands have clear boundaries and open interfaces, and the combination can make for very interesting cultures and histories.

There are so many places to go, so many things to do