• Lake St Clair (leeawulenna) is a natural freshwater lake located in the Central Highlands of Tasmania. It forms the southern end of the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, which is part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. With a maximum depth of 160 metres, it is Australia’s deepest lake and marks the start of the River Derwent which eventually finds its way to the ocean at Hobart.
  • We stayed at Pumphouse Point which provides upmarket accommodation in old Hydro Electric Commission buildings that have been tasefully refurbished.
  • Next morning we took a walk around the point. The snowgums were especially magnificent.
  • In the afternoon we walked along the Frankland Beaches to the National Park visitors’ centre, then back again.
  • On our last morning it was very still, so we took advantage of staying in the Pumphouse and enjoyed taking photographs with 360 degree views of the lake.