

  • Our hotel was in the Yamashita district of Yokohama, south of the city centre. It was right on the waterfront so we could step out of the front door and just start wandering. On the first morning we walked along the waterfront parks, docks and piers into the city centre, discovering plenty to keep us interested on the way.
  • First stop was the Hikawa Maru, a 1930s passenger liner that’s been permanently moored and turned into museum.
  • We particularly liked it around Osanbashi Pier, a little further to the north. This is the site of the original stone whaves built after US Commodore Matthew Perry‘s ‘gunboat diplomacy’ suceeded in opening Japan to international trade. Osanbashi Pier has been expanded and rebuilt many times over 150+ years, most recently in 2002 when the Yokohama International Passenger Terminal was opened. There’s rich history behind the rocks, rust and rope that was interesting to explore. And we found the sleek lines of the modern, wood-clad Passenger Terminal particularly appealing.
  • Wandering on it was fun seeing young people out and about in the public spaces, expressing themselves in Japanese style.
  • As we approached the city the Landmark Tower began to dominate the skyline, made more interesting by an amusement park in the foreground. It’s the second highest building in Japan at just under 300 metres tall.
  • From here we entered into the labyrinth of Minato Mirai 21, a complex of shops, restuarants, hotels, and convention centres built on man-made islands that used to be shipping docks.
  • Nearby is the Yokohama Museum of Art designed by the famous architect Kenzo Tange.
  • Another day we checked out the red-brick warehouses called Akarenga Soko, which have been turned into a cool shopping precinct. We continued on into the city and the Minato Mirai 21 district.
  • Caught an early evening ferry back to the hotel, taking in views of the city in fading light. It gave us a real sense of Yokohama’s connection with the water as a port city.
  • Headed into Chinatown for dinner and wandered the steets and lanes. A central point in Yokohama’s Chinatown is the Kantei-byo Temple which is dedicated to the god of business.
  • On our last day we walked up to the Yamate district, known by foreigners as the Bluff.
  • First stop was the Harbour View Park. It’s a nice green space with good outlooks.
  • We visited the Yokohama Foreign General Cemetery which provides a really interesting perspective on the city’s history as a place where the Japanese re-engaged with the rest of the world from 1854. It’s managed by a Foundation and for a small donation the volunteers at the gate will provide you with map in English and Japanese. The gravestones of Americans, Germans, Britons, and French tell a story of materials, goods, knowledge, and ideas that were both imported and exported.
  • The western-style buildings in this area really stand out because they are so different to what you normally see in Japan. The Museum of Tennis, Yamate Museum, Christ Church, and Berrick Hall are prominent examples.
  • We walked back through the Motomachi shopping district and on to Chinatown.



  • We caught the train to Kita-Kamkura which is one stop north of the town centre then spent the day walking between temples and shrines. It was rainy and we had to manage around the weather, though we were never going to see all of the sites in one day. If you have the time, Kamakura is definitely worthy of a longer stay or repeat visit. It’s only an hour by train from Tokyo.
  • In 1180 Yoritomo Minamoto set up his base in Kamakura which has the sea on one side and is surrounded by heavily wooded hills. He was appointed shogun in 1192 and made Kamakura his capital. It remained so until 1333, when Kyoto again became the capital. The city then went through a long slow decline, being finally eclipsed in 1603 when the Tokugawa clan established their capital in nearby Edo / Tokyo. It was also heavily damaged in the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake. Much of what we see today has been lost then rebuilt over the centuries.
  • First stop was Engakuji-ji Buddhist temple. It was founded in 1282 and is one of the main Rinzai Zen temples in Kamakura.
  • Across the railway line, on the main road, is Tokei-ji. It’s a lovely Buddhist temple with a history as a refuge for women. It also has the most beautiful gardens. Moss and lichen cover every surface and all the shades of green were glowing in damp air.
  • After an excellent lunch we visted Jochi-ji Temple, right next to Tokei-ji. It is another of the main Rinzai Zen temples in Kamakura.
  • It has a beautiful entrance and we took quite a while climbing the stone steps, walking over the bridges, watching artists painting, and couples being married. The grounds are quite extensive and kept opening out into new and interesting spaces.
  • We particularly liked the Buddha safety cones.
  • A little further south is Kencho-ji, which is highest ranked of the five main Rinzai Zen temples in Kamakura.
  • It was founded in 1253 and grew to have seven main buildings and 49 sub-temples. Most of these were destroyed in a series of fires during the 14th and 15th C. The temple precinct was restored under Zen Master Takuan Soho (1573-1645) with aid from the Tokugawa shogunate.
  • A number of buildings on the site today were dismantled and moved from Tokyo, Kyoto, and Skizuoka.
  • Last stop of the day was Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu, the main Shinto shrine in Kamakura.
  • All in all we had fabulous day and can’t wait to come back to Kamakura.

Tokyo 2018

Tokyo 2018

  • We caught a morning train from Yokohama to Shimbashi station in Tokyo, then spent the day walking west to Harajuku station and caught an evening train back to Yokohama.
  • We decided to just wander and see what we encountered, using green spaces as waypoints. Tokyo is so densely populated that you can go back to a district, walk through it on different streets, and have an entirely new experience.
  • Took in the modern architecture in the Toranomon district  then stumbled into the Kotohiragu Shrine.  Built in 1660 and now surrounded by modern skyscrapers, locals pray here to ensure family health, business success, and maritime safety. Like all shinto shrines it had empty sake barrels called ‘kazaridaru’ (decoration barrels) stacked outside.
  • Visited the Hisakuni-jinja shrine, dedicated to Hotei-son who is believed to be the god of happiness and prosperity. The shrine houses a sacred sword made by Hisakuni who was a master swordsmith during the Kamakura Period.
  • Highlight of the day was Akasaka Hikawa Shrine where we intersected with a wedding ceremony. It was fascinating to watch the ritual unfold, and enjoy the Japanese colour palette which is just sublime. The shrine itself is a survivor, having escaping multiple disasters that befell Tokyo including the Ansei Great Earthquake (1855), the Kanto Great Earthquake (1923) and the Great Tokyo Air Raids (1945). It also has a 400 year old Ginko tree.
  • Also visited Nogi Shrine, dedicated to and built on the property of the Meiji era army general and educator Nogi Maresuke. Following the death of Emperor Meiji in 1912, the general and his wife decided to prove their dedication to the leader by joining him in death. The General committed Seppuku while his wife slit her throat in the house right next door to the shrine.
  • For something different we had lunch in a very decent Italian restaurant and watched how the Japanese approach foreign cuisine.
  • It rained in the afternoon as we walked through Aoyama Cemetery then down the chic shopping precinct of Omote-sando.

Kenzo Tange, architect

Kenzo Tange, architect

Japan 2018 gallery

Japan 2018 gallery